Colorado Springs, CO Paid Clinical Trials
A listing of 198 clinical trials in Colorado Springs, CO actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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There are currently 198 clinical trials in Colorado Springs, Colorado looking for participants to engage in research studies. Trials are conducted at various facilities, including Penrose-Saint Francis Healthcare, Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Penrose, UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central and Penrose Cancer Center at Penrose Hospital. Whether you're a healthy volunteer looking to participate in paid medical research or seeking trials related to a specific condition, the city provides a diverse range of opportunities near you.
Featured Trial
Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide
Nationwide clinical trials offered in your area. Some trials offering up to several thousand dollars in compensation for participation.
Featured Trial
Chronic Cough Study
Are you tired of living with chronic cough? The ASPIRE Study is now looking to enroll people from all backgrounds to help research potential new treatment options for chronic cough. You are under no obligation to take part and health insurance is not required. Find out more today! We’d love to hear from you.
Chronic Cough
Refractory or Unexplained Chronic Cough
Allergic Asthma
Featured Trial
Studying an Investigational Virus Vaccine
The main objectives of this study are to assess the safety and effectiveness of an investigational vaccine aimed at preventing norovirus, commonly known as the stomach flu. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either the investigational vaccine or a placebo. Should you express interest, you will be contacted directly by the research site, which will provide further details and answer any questions you may have about study requirements, risks/benefits, and any compensation.
Interested in vaccine studies
All Conditions
Preventative Trials
Featured Trial
Major Depressive Disorder Clinical Study
Is depression weighing you down? Local major depressive disorder clinical studies are now enrolling participants in the area. Participating in research studies helps contribute to the advancement of future medicine and treatment options. There is no obligation to take part and health insurance is not required.
Major Depressive Disorder
Major Depression
Major Depressive Episode
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Major Depressive Disorders
Featured Trial
Evaluating an Investigational Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa
The main objectives of this Phase 2 study are to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication in adults with moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a chronic skin condition. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive the investigational treatment or a placebo. Should you express interest, the research site will contact you directly to provide further details and address any questions you may have about study requirements, risks/benefits, and compensation.
All Conditions
Hidradenitis suppurativa (Skin disorder)
Featured Trial
High Triglyceride Clinical Research Study
Living with high triglycerides? See if our clinical study is right for you.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
High Triglycerides
High Triglyceride Level
Elevated Triglycerides
Triglycerides High
Testing the Addition of a Type of Drug Called Immunotherapy to the Usual Chemotherapy Treatment for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, ALCHEMIST Trial
This phase III ALCHEMIST trial tests the addition of pembrolizumab to usual chemotherapy for the treatment of stage IIA, IIB, IIIA or IIIB non-small cell lung cancer that has been removed by surgery. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as pembrolizumab, may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Chemotherapy drugs, such as cisplatin, pemetrexed, carboplatin, gemcitabine hydrochloride, and paclitaxel, work... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Penrose-Saint Francis Healthcare, Colorado Springs, Colorado +3 locations
Conditions: Lung Non-Small Cell Carcinoma, Lung Non-Small Cell Squamous Carcinoma, Lung Non-Squamous Non-Small Cell Carcinoma, Stage II Lung Cancer AJCC v8, Stage IIIA Lung Cancer AJCC v8, Stage IIIB Lung Cancer AJCC v8
A Study Evaluating the Real World Experience of Participants Treated With BRIUMVI® (Ublituximab-xiiy) for Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (RMS)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate safety, effiectiveness, and to gain insight into the treatment experience of participants prescribed BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) in the real-world setting
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: TG Therapeutics Investigational Trial Site, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Conditions: Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis
Testing the Addition of Radiation Therapy to the Usual Immune Therapy Treatment (Atezolizumab) for Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer, The RAPTOR Trial
This phase II/III trial compares the effect of adding radiation therapy to the usual maintenance therapy with atezolizumab versus atezolizumab alone in patients who have already received atezolizumab plus chemotherapy for the treatment of small cell lung cancer that has spread outside of the lung or to other parts of the body (extensive stage). Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as atezolizumab, may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ability o... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Penrose-Saint Francis Healthcare, Colorado Springs, Colorado +3 locations
Conditions: Extensive Stage Lung Small Cell Carcinoma
Efficacy and Safety of Tozorakimab in Patients Hospitalised for Viral Lung Infection Requiring Supplemental Oxygen
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of tozorakimab, as an add-on to SoC in patients with viral lung infection requiring supplemental oxygen, on the prevention of death or progression to IMV/ECMO.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Research Site, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Conditions: Viral Lung Infection and Acute Respiratory Failure
Efficacy and Safety of Erenumab in Pediatric Participants With Episodic Migraine
This study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of erenumab in migraine prevention in children (6 to \<12 years) and adolescents (12 to \<18 years) with episodic migraine. The study hypothesis is that in pediatric participants with episodic migraine, the combined erenumab dose group has a greater reduction from baseline to week 9 through week 12 (month 3) in monthly migraine days (MMDs) when compared with placebo in the double-blind treatment phase (DBTP).
Between 6 years and 17 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Colorado Springs Neurological Associates, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Conditions: Migraine
A Long-Term Study of Elafibranor in Adult Participants With Primary Biliary Cholangitis
The participants of this study will have confirmed Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) and cirrhosis (scarring of the liver).
PBC is a slowly progressive disease, characterised by damage to the bile ducts in the liver, leading to a build-up of bile acids which causes further damage.
The liver damage in PBC may lead to cirrhosis. PBC may also be associated with multiple symptoms. Many patients with PBC may require liver transplant or may die if the disease progresses and a liver transplant is not... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Peak Gastroenterology Associates, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Conditions: Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC)
Study to Assess the Safety and Effectiveness of NMRA-335140-501
This is a 52-week open-label extension (OLE) study that will evaluate the safety, tolerability, and effectiveness of NMRA-335140 in participants with major depressive disorder (MDD). Participants who completed a parent study investigating the efficacy of NMRA-335140 as a treatment for MDD (ie, NMRA-335140-301, NMRA-335140-302, or NMRA-335140-303), who provide informed consent, and who have no evidence of safety concerns that would preclude treatment with NMRA-335140 may be enrolled into this ext... Read More
Between 18 years and 65 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Neumora Investigator Site, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Conditions: Major Depressive Disorder
Study of GS-1427 in Participants With Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis
The goal of this study is to learn if GS-1427 is effective in treating participants with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. The study will compare participants in different treatment groups treated with GS-1427 with participants treated with placebo.
The primary objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of GS-1427, compared with placebo control, in achieving clinical response at Week 12.
Between 18 years and 75 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Peak Gastroenterology Associates, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Conditions: Ulcerative Colitis
Evaluating the Addition of Adjuvant Chemotherapy to Ovarian Function Suppression Plus Endocrine Therapy in Premenopausal Patients With pN0-1, ER-Positive/HER2-Negative Breast Cancer and an Oncotype Recurrence Score Less Than or Equal to 25
This Phase III Trial will determine whether adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) added to ovarian function suppression (OFS) plus endocrine therapy (ET) is superior to OFS plus ET in improving invasive breast cancer-free survival (IBCFS) among premenopausal, early- stage breast cancer (EBC) patients with estrogen receptor (ER)-positive, HER2-negative tumors and 21-gene recurrence score (RS) between 16-25 (for pN0 patients) and 0-25 (for pN1 patients).
Between 18 years and 60 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Penrose-Saint Francis Healthcare, Colorado Springs, Colorado +4 locations
Conditions: Breast Cancer
Open-Label Extension Study to Assess the Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of KarXT in Subjects With Psychosis Associated With Alzheimer's Disease (ADEPT-3)
This is a Phase 3 global, multicenter, 52-week, open-label extension (OLE) rollover study for subjects completing study CN012-0026, CN012-0027 or CN012-0056. Subjects (randomized or non-randomized) who complete the 38-week CN012-0026 study, 14-week CN012-0027 study or 14-week CN012-0056 study will be eligible to enroll in CN012-0028.
The primary objective of the study is to assess the long-term safety and tolerability of KarXT in subjects with psychosis associated with Alzheimer's Disease.
Between 55 years and 90 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Local Institution - 1014, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Conditions: Psychosis Associated With Alzheimer's Disease
A Phase II/III Trial of Nivolumab, Ipilimumab, and GM-CSF in Patients With Advanced Melanoma
This phase II/III trial studies the side effects of nivolumab and ipilimumab when given together with or without sargramostim and to see how well they work in treating patients with stage III-IV melanoma that cannot be removed by surgery (unresectable) and that may have spread from where it first started to nearby tissue, lymph nodes, or distant parts of the body (advanced). Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as ipilimumab and nivolumab, may help the body's immune system attack the c... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Penrose-Saint Francis Healthcare, Colorado Springs, Colorado +2 locations
Conditions: Stage III Cutaneous Melanoma AJCC v7, Stage IV Cutaneous Melanoma AJCC v6 and v7
Adding Nivolumab to Usual Treatment for People With Advanced Stomach or Esophageal Cancer, PARAMUNE Trial
This phase II/III trial compares the addition of nivolumab to the usual treatment of paclitaxel and ramucirumab to paclitaxel and ramucirumab alone in treating patients with gastric or esophageal adenocarcinoma that may have spread from where it first started to nearby tissue, lymph nodes, or distant parts of the body (advanced). A monoclonal antibody is a type of protein that can bind to certain targets in the body, such as molecules that cause the body to make an immune response (antigens). Im... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central, Colorado Springs, Colorado +1 locations
Conditions: Advanced Esophageal Adenocarcinoma, Advanced Gastric Adenocarcinoma, Advanced Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma, Clinical Stage II Esophageal Adenocarcinoma AJCC v8, Clinical Stage III Esophageal Adenocarcinoma AJCC v8, Clinical Stage III Gastric Cancer AJCC v8, Clinical Stage III Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma AJCC v8, Clinical Stage IV Esophageal Adenocarcinoma AJCC v8, Clinical Stage IV Gastric Cancer AJCC v8, Clinical Stage IV Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma AJCC v8, Metastatic Esophageal Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic Gastric Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma, Unresectable Esophageal Adenocarcinoma, Unresectable Gastric Adenocarcinoma, Unresectable Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma
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